Michael Galloway, DO, MBA
Texas Tech University HSC - Permian Basin Campus
Year started working as Chair: 2019
Who inspired you to pursue the career you have today?
Love Obstetrics & Gynecology, especially gyn surgery and Love teaching. I was very fortunate to have mentors in academic medicine in residency and later when I joined as Faculty.
What is the best advice you can give to someone who just started their career?
Find an area you enjoy and pursue teaching medical students. Volunteer for assistant or associate clerkship/residency director position. Attend meetings like CREOG/APGO.
What helped prepare you the most for becoming Chair?
Residency Program Director helped greatly and serving on hospital/university committees.
What skill do you think everyone should learn?
Patience and Persistence! Not everyone wants to go different places, but if you stay with it then they will follow.
What is your secret talent no one knows about?
Enjoy my wife, grandchildren, sports and 70s rock music (can’t play an instrument though, yet!).
What was the last book you read or movie you saw? Would you recommend it?
Last couple books I have read: Better Allies, Grit, Don’t Stop Believin’.